Cursuscode | Cursustitel | Niveau | EC | Tijdslot |
FRRMV18401 | Core Themes in the Study of Religion | M | 5 | C | V |
FRRMV17401 | Doing Research in Religious Studies | M | 10 | BC | V |
FRRMV16402 | Theories and Methods in the Study of Religion | M | 15 | AD | V |
FRRMV16410 | Rst-Study Abroad/Fieldwork in Religious Studies | M | 30 | - | T2 |
MCRMV16024 | Contemporary Cultural Theory | M | 5 | ACD | T2 |
MCRMV16046 | Corporeal Literacy | M | 5 | A | T2 |
TLRMV16206 | Thinking Literature: Creative Forms of Knowledge | M | 5 | B | T2 |
FRRMV16412 | Tutorial Religious Studies I | M | 5 | - | T2 |
FRRMV16413 | Tutorial Religious Studies II | M | 5 | - | T2 |
Cursuscode | Cursustitel | Niveau | EC | Tijdslot |
FRRMV17401 | Doing Research in Religious Studies | M | 10 | BC | V |
FRRMV16404 | Religious Texts and Interpretive Practices | M | 5 | C | V |
FRRMV16402 | Theories and Methods in the Study of Religion | M | 15 | AD | V |
FRRMV16410 | Rst-Study Abroad/Fieldwork in Religious Studies | M | 30 | - | T2 |
TLRMV16200 | Cultural Memory and Citizenship | M | 5 | C | T2 |
MCRMV16025 | Issues in Postcoloniality | M | 5 | AD | T2 |
TLRMV16208 | Media Materialities | M | 5 | AD | T2 |
MCRMV16027 | Religion and Secularism: Postsecular Perspectives | M | 5 | B | T2 |
FRRMV16412 | Tutorial Religious Studies I | M | 5 | - | T2 |
FRRMV16413 | Tutorial Religious Studies II | M | 5 | - | T2 |
Cursuscode | Cursustitel | Niveau | EC | Tijdslot |
FRRMV17401 | Doing Research in Religious Studies | M | 10 | BC | V |
FRRMV16405 | Materiality and Corporeality of Lived Religion | M | 5 | D | V |
FRRMV24001 | Rst-Historical Perspectives on Religion and Violence I | M | 5 | C | VK |
FRRMV16412 | Tutorial Religious Studies I | M | 5 | - | T2 |
FRRMV16413 | Tutorial Religious Studies II | M | 5 | - | T2 |
Cursuscode | Cursustitel | Niveau | EC | Tijdslot |
FRRMV17401 | Doing Research in Religious Studies | M | 10 | BC | V |
FRRMV18402 | Religion and Popular Culture | M | 5 | B | VK |
TLRMV16210 | Aesthetics of the Posthuman | M | 5 | BC | T2 |
MCRMV16028 | The Body in Feminist Theory and Practice | M | 5 | BC | T2 |
FRRMV16412 | Tutorial Religious Studies I | M | 5 | - | T2 |
FRRMV16413 | Tutorial Religious Studies II | M | 5 | - | T2 |
Cursuscode | Cursustitel | Niveau | EC | Tijdslot |
FRRMV16411 | Thesis RMA Religious Studies | M | 30 | - | V |
FRRMV19402 | Rst-Research School 1 | M | 5 | - | T2 |