Periode 1

Cursuscode sort Cursustitel sort Niveau sort EC sort Tijdslot sort
cs sort
GE2V18001 Conflict Analysis 2 7,5 AD

Periode 2

Cursuscode sort Cursustitel sort Niveau sort EC sort Tijdslot sort
cs sort
GE2V23002 Tracing 21st Century War: From Remote, Autonomous, to Space Warfare 2 7,5 B

Periode 3

Cursuscode sort Cursustitel sort Niveau sort EC sort Tijdslot sort
cs sort
GE3V18006 Mobilisation of Violent Collective Action in an Age of Terrorism 3 7,5 AD

Periode 4

Cursuscode sort Cursustitel sort Niveau sort EC sort Tijdslot sort
cs sort
GE3V18008 Politics of Reconstruction and Intervention 3 7,5 AD
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