Periode 1

Cursuscode sort Cursustitel sort Niveau sort EC sort Tijdslot sort
PPE sort
GE3V19002 Democracy: historical perspectives and philosophical arguments 3 7,5 BC

Periode 2

Cursuscode sort Cursustitel sort Niveau sort EC sort Tijdslot sort
PPE sort
ECB3ESJ Economics and Social Justice 3 7,5 D
FI3V19022 The History and Philosophy of the Welfare State 3 7,5 A

Periode 3

Cursuscode sort Cursustitel sort Niveau sort EC sort Tijdslot sort
PPE sort
FI3V19020 PPE Perspectives 3 7,5 A

Periode 4

Cursuscode sort Cursustitel sort Niveau sort EC sort Tijdslot sort
PPE sort
FI3V19021 PPE in Practice 3 7,5 C
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