Periode 1

Cursuscode sort Cursustitel sort Niveau sort EC sort Tijdslot sort
AMR sort
GE3V19001 US History, 1776-present, in a Transatlantic Perspective 3 7,5 AD

Periode 2

Cursuscode sort Cursustitel sort Niveau sort EC sort Tijdslot sort
AMR sort
GE3V17053 Imagining Europe: Perspectives from East and West 3 7,5 A

Periode 3

Cursuscode sort Cursustitel sort Niveau sort EC sort Tijdslot sort
AMR sort
GE2V24004 Cultural History of the Russian Empire 1450-2023 2 7,5 AD

Periode 4

Cursuscode sort Cursustitel sort Niveau sort EC sort Tijdslot sort
AMR sort
GE3V17049 The Cultural Cold War: American Cultural Diplomacy from 1945 to the Present 3 7,5 AD
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