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Cell Biology (2024/2025: periode 1)
- Explain how building blocks of major cellular macromolecules are produced or modified by chemical reactions.
- Explain how the structure of cellular components relates to cell function.
- Explain the steps of the central dogma and how each step is regulated.
- Explain different methods by which cells interact (sends and receives signals).
- Explain how cellular division and death is regulated and executed.
- Effectively work collaboratively in a group assignment with their peers and reflect on their role in this collaboration.
- Construct and give a presentation on a cell biological theme for an audience of peers.
- Learn how to work safely with microorganisms and cells in laboratories and know about the Dutch laws and regulations on this.
In this course students study the fundamental unit of life, the cell.
The cell is the structural and functional unit of life. It distinguishes living organisms from non-living matter. All organisms are made up of cells: membrane-enclosed units filled with a concentrated aqueous solution of biomolecules. Cells have the amazing capacity to reproduce by growing and dividing. The simplest forms of life consist of a single cell, whereas higher organisms are multicellular. In higher organisms, groups of specialized cells are derived from a single founder cell by growth and division. These specialized cells work together to create more complex structures. Consequently, all animals and plants are made up of colonies of cells, which perform specialized functions and are integrated by complex intercellular communication pathways.
Set up of this course:
In the first part of the course, we focus on the molecules that serve as building blocks for cellular components and the chemical reactions by which these molecules are formed or broken down. Special attention is given to proteins, since these molecules are so fundamental to cell function. Next, the concept and process of cell specialisation in multicellular organisms is studied by examining how cells maintain, copy, transcribe and translate their genetic material.
In addition to acquiring knowledge about the safe handling of microorganisms and cells in laboratory settings, you will also familiarize yourself with the relevant laws and regulations in the Netherlands about this subject. For this purpose, 2 lectures, 2 practicals, an eLearning module, and digital end test are organized. If the end test is completed successfully, students get a certificate indicating they can work in biological laboratories (VMT-certificate).
In the second part of the course, cellular organization is studied: students learn how different cellular components are delivered to the right location and how intercellular communication and cell division take place. Experimentation underlies all scientific knowledge and understanding. In this course, students will discuss the experimental studies underlying the basic concepts in cell biology. In collaborative learning strategies we will discover how this knowledge of fundamental principles is applied in current-day basic and applied research. To this end, students will work in small groups on a presentation about a Nobel prize-winning discovery in Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine that is directly related to molecular cell biology. As part of the course, an initial workshop on academic presentation will be conducted. The presentation should offer insights on how knowledge was acquired through a specific experimental approach, and if or how this knowledge was used to address societal problems, such as challenges in medicine.
Relation to other courses:
This is a foundation course in Cell Biology. Molecular and thermodynamic aspects will be addressed at a deeper level in the courses Biomolecular Chemistry (MBLS-105) and Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences (MBLS-104), respectively. Research techniques briefly described in this course will be further explored and applied in the courses Molecular Biology and Biochemical Techniques (MBLS-202) and the course Biophysical Methods and Structural Biology (MBLS-201).
Teaching format course (estimation):
Lectures 25%
Tutorials 25%
Presentation 10%
Practicals 5%
Self study 35%
The course content is studied chapter by chapter via the cycle of a lecture followed by a group tutorial and closed by a tutorial discussion. Individual e-assessments provides students with information on their progress throughout the duration of the course.
The group presentation project will teach you how to collect, organize and present information, and how to collaborate in a group.
Grading (check course manual for details):
Test/exam 1 (45%)
Test/exam 2 (45%)
Nobel Prize Presentation (10%)
Note: Second and third-year Chemistry students, with interest in the chemistry track Molecules of Life, are encouraged to participate in this course to acquire an essential background in cell biology.
Chemistry students can register for this course by sending an email to the MBLS student desk (science.mbls.ba@uu.nl)
Verplicht | Weging 100% | ECTS 7,5
Ingangseisen en voorkennis
Je moet inschreven staan voor een van de volgende opleidingen:
- Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences
- Scheikunde
VWO level Biology and Chemistry, or equivalent
- Engels
Er is geen tentamenrooster beschikbaar voor deze cursus
Verplicht materiaal
BOEKEssential Cell Biology, Bruce Alberts, 6th ed. 2023, Taylor & FrancisISBN: 978-1-324-03339-4
Aanbevolen materiaal
Er is geen informatie over de aanbevolen literatuur bekend
For chemistry students this course is an entry requirement for 'Virusziekten', SK-BVIZI
dr. M. Abbas | m.abbas@uu.nl |
dr. M. Abbas | m.abbas@uu.nl |
prof. dr. A.S. Akhmanova | a.akhmanova@uu.nl |
dr. J.J.P.A. de Cock | H.deCock@uu.nl |
dr. B. Kleizen | B.Kleizen@uu.nl |
dr. P. de Magistris | p.demagistris@uu.nl |
Van maandag 3 juni 2024 tot en met vrijdag 21 juni 2024
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