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Geographical Information Systems (GIS) (2024/2025: periode 4)
The main goal of this lab module is for you to gain an understanding of how (and why) GIS are used for administrative purposes by governments, environmental monitoring, land use planning and more.
After completion of this course students are able to:
After completion of this course students are able to:
- Explain the basic principles of GIScience and cartography.
- Implement common operations using GIS
- Assemble and process publicly available spatial data using a GIS
- Demonstrate the ability to use both industry standard, proprietary GIS software and open-source GIS.
- Evaluate topological relationships between objects in space and how to model and represent them in a spatial data management system
- Apply appropriate spatial statistics to analyze data obtained with a field survey and report results.
Each of us uses Geographical Information Systems (GIS) every day, knowingly and unknowingly. Looking up the weather forecast, when is the next bus, where is the closest sushi restaurant? These are all questions we answer using a form of GIS. GIS comprise software and databases that are used to analyse and display spatial data. Geographic Information Science (GISci), on the other hand, is the science of building and improving techniques to conduct the analysis and management of spatial data.
This lab course is focused on learning key concepts in GISci and gain hands-on practical experience using GIS). GIS are used for digital mapping, to reveal spatial patterns that may otherwise go unnoticed. In this course, you will use the same industry standard GIS computer software governments and an open-source alternative. You will learn key concepts in GISc and GIS, how to process different kinds of spatial data, how to execute a range of spatial analysis for decision making, and principles of cartography. In this course, you will work with a wide range of diverse spatial data and learn pivotal spatial data analysis concepts and procedures.
No previous experience with GIS is required to take this course.
This course will be relevant for Environmental Science Students as well as those interested in pursuing Political Science, Urban Planning, Economics and more.
This lab course is focused on learning key concepts in GISci and gain hands-on practical experience using GIS). GIS are used for digital mapping, to reveal spatial patterns that may otherwise go unnoticed. In this course, you will use the same industry standard GIS computer software governments and an open-source alternative. You will learn key concepts in GISc and GIS, how to process different kinds of spatial data, how to execute a range of spatial analysis for decision making, and principles of cartography. In this course, you will work with a wide range of diverse spatial data and learn pivotal spatial data analysis concepts and procedures.
No previous experience with GIS is required to take this course.
This course will be relevant for Environmental Science Students as well as those interested in pursuing Political Science, Urban Planning, Economics and more.
Students will follow assignments and will submit these for grading. In addition, students should write a reflective piece which contextualises what they have learned.
Due to the short duration and intensive nature of the lab course, 100% attendance is required.
Due to the short duration and intensive nature of the lab course, 100% attendance is required.
UCU SCI lab course
Verplicht | Weging 100% | ECTS 2,5
Ingangseisen en voorkennis
Er is geen informatie over verplichte ingangseisen bekend.
any 1 level science course
- Engels
Gerelateerde studies
Er is geen tentamenrooster beschikbaar voor deze cursus
Verplicht materiaal
DIVERSEOnline GIS and Lab Manual
Aanbevolen materiaal
Er is geen informatie over de aanbevolen literatuur bekend
Registration for lab courses closes approx. 3 months prior to start. 3 modules to be taken in 2 consecutive terms
dr. G.S.A.T. van Rossum | G.S.A.T.vanRossum@uu.nl |
dr. B.A. Ricker | b.a.ricker@uu.nl |
Let op: deze cursus is niet toegankelijk voor studenten van andere faculteiten, bijvakkers mogen zich dus niet inschrijven.
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