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International Economics
- explain the main economic theories and demonstrate insight into the politics of international economic relationships.
- describe and discuss trade theory and international macroeconomics.
- apply their theoretical knowledge to the practical understanding of national economies.
- Country Report: this report is a group assignment which analyzes a national economic system to be able to situate it in the international regime. A portion of this report will be evaluated based on peer feedback.
- Internationalization Report: this report will build on the first group assignment and asks students to situate their chosen country on the global scale by applying relevant theoretical concepts from the course.
- Presentation: This presentation will ask students to prepare a lecture to teach a week’s course material, following the assigned reading for the week and with optional additional study materials.
- Exam: this tests your knowledge and understanding of international finance, and your ability to explain capital flows between countries, and therefore the relation between international trade and international finance on the one hand and the balance of payments and the exchange rate on the other hand.
- The participation grade depends on your ability to comprehend and present relevant topics related to international trade and international finance in class, as well as your class participation.
This course provides an introduction to trade flows, international specialization, and exchange. We analyze trade policy, international macroeconomics, and financial relations. Having established the link between financial and real economic variables, we turn to exchange rates, currency trading, and the global monetary system. In all these topics we pay special attention to the differences between developing and developed economies.
Instruction centers on two intermediate heterodox texts. The first part of the course focuses on studying national economic systems, development and crisis. In the second part attention is shifted to trade theory, policy and international financial relations. During the course students work in a team of approximately three students on a project. The project is about analyzing a national economic system and then taking the analysis to the global stage using various theories of international economics that are studied in the course. Output should be based on data collection, sound economic analysis, expertise, but most of all the output should be inspiring and convincing.
Verplicht | Weging 10% | ECTS 0,75
Country Report
Verplicht | Weging 25% | ECTS 1,88
Verplicht | Weging 15% | ECTS 1,13
*midterm FEEDBACK*
Niet verplicht
Internationalization Report
Verplicht | Weging 25% | ECTS 1,88
Summative exam
Verplicht | Weging 25% | ECTS 1,88
Ingangseisen en voorkennis
Er moet voldaan zijn aan de cursussen:
- [UCACCMET12] Research in Practice: Methods and statistics for the Social Scientist
- [UCSSCECO11] Introduction to Economics
Course [UCSCIMAT11] Calculus and Linear Algebra is highly recommended. Students who have done [UCSSECO21] Macroeconomics find it easier to start with this course.
Voorkennis kan worden opgedaan met
Students with only [UCACCMAT01] are expected to put in more effort to get to standards.
- Engels
Academisch schrijven
Internationale en interculturele oriëntatie
Gerelateerde studies
Er is geen tentamenrooster beschikbaar voor deze cursus
Verplicht materiaal
Materiaal | Omschrijving |
BOEK | Berg, H. V. den (2017) International Economics: A Heterodox Approach, A Heterodox Approach, Routledge, Third Edition. |
BOEK | Boyer, R. (2015) Political Economy of Capitalisms, Singapore, Palgrave Macmillan. |
Aanbevolen materiaal
Er is geen informatie over de aanbevolen literatuur bekend
drs. E.M. van Sas | E.M.vanSas@uu.nl |
B. Sommer | B.Sommer@uu.nl |
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