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Religion and Political Secularism (2024/2025: periode 1)
- Demonstrate a thorough understanding of key concepts and theories concerning religious diversity and varieties of political secularism.
- Critically analyze tacit assumptions, power structures and blind spots in predominant approaches to religion and secularism.
- Integrate perspectives and insights from different disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, law, and political philosophy, in thorough analyses of issues concerning religion and majority/minority relations, racism, and gender equality.
- Speak critically about religion and political secularism, using specialized terms and academic vocabulary.
- Apply their knowledge and write critically about religion and political secularism, using specialized terms and academic vocabulary.
- Literature Essay 1 (35%): 1, 2, 3, 5
- Literature Essay 2 (35%): 1, 2, 3, 5
- Presentation (30%): 1, 2, 3, 4
You cannot register for this course if you have already taken UCHUMREL34 under its former title in an earlier semester (Religion and (post-)secularism).
This course provides students with a map of contemporary approaches to the so-called separation of church and state, or political secularism, and enables them to use the relevant concepts and insights in analyses of societal issues concerning religious diversity.
Political secularism and the secularization narrative are essential parts of conceptions of Western modernity and the self-understanding of many societies. However, by now we know that the assumption that the privatization and decline of religion is an inevitable consequence of ‘modernization’ fails to explain important social developments such as the resurgence and diversification of religious traditions, new forms of religiosities, and the conspicuity of religiously motivated violence across the globe.
A critical understanding of political secularism today, therefore, requires an understanding of the various forms and functions of religion in contemporary pluralistic societies. However, terms such as “secularism”, “secularity”, “secularization,” and even “the post-secular” can be highly confusing. This course will give students the theoretical and empirical knowledge to make sense of these academic debates and contemporary issues regarding the relation between states and religions.
The course explores the concept of political secularism through multidisciplinary readings, especially anthropology, sociology, law, and political philosophy. Theory and concepts concerning political secularism will always be discussed by in depth readings of case studies, for example about native-Americans and religious freedom, Muslim sartorial practices and gender equality in France and Iran, or political secularism in postcolonial nations such as India and South Africa.
Classes will proceed in the form of a research colloquium, i.e. instructors and/or students will introduce readings, which all students are expected to study carefully in preparation of the classes. Much time will be devoted to interactive critical analyses of texts, concepts, and concrete ‘cases’. Students have the opportunity to come in touch with, and possibly be actively involved in research of the instructors. Students will receive detailed feedback on written assignments.
literature essay 1
Verplicht | Weging 35% | ECTS 2,63
literature essay 2
Verplicht | Weging 35% | ECTS 2,63
Verplicht | Weging 30% | ECTS 2,25
*midterm FEEDBACK*
Niet verplicht
Ingangseisen en voorkennis
Er moet voldaan zijn aan minimaal één van de cursussen:
- [UCHUMHIS24] Wicked - The Untold History of Magical Scholarship
- [UCHUMMES21] Visual Culture Studies
- [UCHUMMES22] The Audiovisual Documentary: Production & Theory
- [UCHUMPHI21] Metaphysics & Epistemology: from Parmenides to Levinas
- [UCHUMPHI23] Twentieth Century Theoretical Philosophy
- [UCHUMPHI25] Who are we? Philosophical views on self and others
- [UCHUMREL23] Religions, Body, and Gender in the Public Domain
- [UCHUMREL24] Ethics and Religion
- [UCINTHIS21] Understanding Conflict: Historical Analysis of contemporary irregular conflicts
- [UCSSCANT22] Gender and Sexuality
- [UCSSCANT26] Decolonizing Anthropology: Epistemology, theory, practice
- [UCSSCGEO22] Development Studies: Varieties of Development
- [UCSSCPOL21] Political Science: State of the Art
- [UCSSCPOL23] International Relations: dimensions of world politics
Other students can be considered through course admittance procedure. Especially if students have followed relevant courses from Social Sciences (e.g.. anthropology, political science, sociology), History, or Philosophy. Additional reading can also qualify for participation.
- Engels
Academisch schrijven
Debatteren / discoursanalyse
Kritisch lezen
Gerelateerde studies
Er is geen tentamenrooster beschikbaar voor deze cursus
Verplicht materiaal
DIVERSELiterature will be all available digitally
Aanbevolen materiaal
Er is geen informatie over de aanbevolen literatuur bekend
Cross-listed with SSC. Counts towards SSC major.
dr. P. Tamimi Arab | P.TamimiArab@uu.nl |
dr. P. Tamimi Arab | P.TamimiArab@uu.nl |
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