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Bachelor Thesis History
After completing the BA thesis, you will be able to:
- independently find and assess relevant scholarly articles and historical sources;
- independently define your own thesis topic;
- independently formulate a clear research question;
- independently conduct research based on primary and other sources and anchored in the historiography;
- independently operationalise research;
- critically analyse primary sources and literature in relation to the research question;
- draw academically valid conclusions and formulate well-founded viewpoints on the basis of secondary literature and primary sources;
- present the results of your research in writing at an academic level;
- assess research results built on recent scholarship;
- give and receive feedback (peer review) on parts of research papers.
Entry requirements
Before you start your thesis, you need to have finished at least 30 EC on level 3, among which Research Seminar A.
The Bachelor thesis History is the individual completion of the Bachelor of History. The final dissertation may stem from the theme of your Specialisation, but is at all times an independent product. In the first block of your thesis you will work on an outline for the final thesis; an outline of sufficient quality is a precondition for further participation in the thesis process. Please note: you only enroll for one starting block.
The structure of the thesis should include:
- a clearly defined and well argued research question;
- an elaboration of the main question into sub-questions;
- an explanation of the theoretical/analytical framework;
- a reflection on the method used and its operationalization;
- a critical justification and appreciation of the empirical material used (primary sources);
- an argument presenting the empirical material and relating it to the problem or question;
- a conclusion, briefly summarizing and analyzing the research results, connected to the research question;
- a bibliography and a notes section.
Before you start your thesis, you need to have finished at least 30 EC on level 3, among which Research Seminar A.
The Bachelor thesis History is the individual completion of the Bachelor of History. The final dissertation may stem from the theme of your Specialisation, but is at all times an independent product. In the first block of your thesis you will work on an outline for the final thesis; an outline of sufficient quality is a precondition for further participation in the thesis process. Please note: you only enroll for one starting block.
The structure of the thesis should include:
- a clearly defined and well argued research question;
- an elaboration of the main question into sub-questions;
- an explanation of the theoretical/analytical framework;
- a reflection on the method used and its operationalization;
- a critical justification and appreciation of the empirical material used (primary sources);
- an argument presenting the empirical material and relating it to the problem or question;
- a conclusion, briefly summarizing and analyzing the research results, connected to the research question;
- a bibliography and a notes section.
Verplicht | Weging 100% | Minimum cijfer 6,0 | ECTS 15
Niet verplicht
Ingangseisen en voorkennis
Je moet minimaal 30 punten voor categorie 3 (Bachelor Gevorderd) hebben behaald en er moet voldaan zijn aan minimaal één van de cursussen:
- [GE3V21001] Onderzoeksseminar A. Fundamenten van Europa
- [GE3V21003] Onderzoeksseminar A. Politieke strijd in modern Europa
- [GE3V21005] Onderzoeksseminar A. De macht van cultuur
- [GE3V21007] Onderzoeksseminar A. Maatschappelijke uitdagingen
- [GE3V21009] Onderzoeksseminar A. Europa in de wereld
- [GE3V21011] Onderzoeksseminar A. Globalisering en wereldorde
- [GE3V21013] Onderzoeksseminar A. Conflict, geweld en veiligheid
Er is geen informatie over benodigde voorkennis bekend.
- Engels
Gerelateerde studies
Er is geen tentamenrooster beschikbaar voor deze cursus
Verplicht materiaal
Materiaal | Omschrijving |
Aanbevolen materiaal
Er is geen informatie over de aanbevolen literatuur bekend
E.C. Braat | E.C.Braat@uu.nl |
J. van Doren | j.vandoren@uu.nl |
K. Boers | k.boers@uu.nl |
I. Bavuso | I.Bavuso@uu.nl |
dr. M. Falina | m.falina@uu.nl |
dr. G. Leksana | g.leksana@uu.nl |
Let op: deze cursus is niet toegankelijk voor studenten van andere faculteiten, bijvakkers mogen zich dus niet inschrijven.
Van maandag 4 november 2024 tot en met vrijdag 22 november 2024
Van maandag 20 januari 2025 tot en met dinsdag 21 januari 2025
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