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Research Tutorial Curating Art and Heritage
Research tutorials offer you insight in a specific area, by studying, under the supervision of a staff member, an amount of literature and/or look at relevant case studies or partake in research, attend research conferences... In this research tutorial you can focus on curating art and heritage.
In a research tutorial you acquire relevant research experience and you develop your research and academic writing skills. Different kinds of tutorial are possible: you can be involved in a research project of one of your professors and researchers; you can research a corpus of archived material, you can do literature tutorial wherein you expand your knowledge on a certain subject, you can do field work and explore and critically evaluate art exhibitions, collection and heritage presentations. Students can develop proposals for tutorials themselves. The specific goals of the tutorial need to discussed with you tutorial supervisor.
In a research tutorial you acquire relevant research experience and you develop your research and academic writing skills. Different kinds of tutorial are possible: you can be involved in a research project of one of your professors and researchers; you can research a corpus of archived material, you can do literature tutorial wherein you expand your knowledge on a certain subject, you can do field work and explore and critically evaluate art exhibitions, collection and heritage presentations. Students can develop proposals for tutorials themselves. The specific goals of the tutorial need to discussed with you tutorial supervisor.
In the research tutorial you explore a subject in which you are interested. This research tutorial offers you the chance to delve deeper into curatorial practices and/or theory, exhibition design, exhibition history, museology, museum history, heritage and collection presentations, art mediation and education. Many subjects are possible: transcultural curating, collection and heritage presentations and diversity, history and theory of audiences, museums and art spaces as social institutions, heritage and climate change, ecological perspectives within art and curating.
Have a look at our art history research website. https://www.uu.nl/en/research/art-history/research One of our professors can be your supervisor.
Explore the research and the profiles of the different professors. If you have made you choice, contact the program coordinator Patrick Van Rossem (p.vanrossem@uu.nl). He will bring you into contact with your supervisor.
Have a look at our art history research website. https://www.uu.nl/en/research/art-history/research One of our professors can be your supervisor.
Explore the research and the profiles of the different professors. If you have made you choice, contact the program coordinator Patrick Van Rossem (p.vanrossem@uu.nl). He will bring you into contact with your supervisor.
Aanvullende informatie
Please note: the time slot shown here is not yet final and may still be modified until the 3rd Wednesday in September.
Opdracht(en) 1
Verplicht | Weging 100% | Minimum cijfer 5,5 | ECTS 5
Ingangseisen en voorkennis
Je moet inschreven staan voor de volgende opleiding:
- Art History
Er is geen informatie over benodigde voorkennis bekend.
- Engels
Gerelateerde studies
Er is geen tentamenrooster beschikbaar voor deze cursus
Verplicht materiaal
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Aanbevolen materiaal
Er is geen informatie over de aanbevolen literatuur bekend
P. van Rossem | P.vanRossem@uu.nl |
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