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Statistics & Academic Writing
- Design a statistically valid experiment to answer a given research question (hypothesis, sample size, controls etc);
- Use the Python modules scipy and statsmodels for basic statistical analysis techniques to a variety of biological problems;
- Select and apply the appropriate statistical analyses for a given dataset;
- Interpret the outcomes of a statistical analysis and draw the appropriate conclusions;
- Justify a reasoning about probabilities and probability distributions of a specific dataset;
- Understand the scientific paper structure and critically analyze scientific papers.
- Find reliable literature on a research question, and synthesize multiple papers into a mini narrative literature review, including a graphical abstract.
- Create a research graph and write a short results section based on this graph.
- Compose a writing plan and create a good overall structure, storyline, and argumentation.
- Write in a good academic style using correct English.
- Compose readable sentences of appropriate length and complexity, and paragraphs with good topic sentences and internal structure.
- Apply the principles of cohesion to their text.
- Self-reflect on their personal writing process and skills, create writing resolutions, and show personal growth as a writer.
- Give critical yet constructive feedback on the written work of peers.
This course provides students with knowledge of basic statistical concepts and Python programming skills for analysing data in the life sciences. Students also practice logical reasoning and academic writing skills as they analyse, draw conclusions from, and subsequently write up the results of their statistical analysis of a real data set.
A researcher must master a diverse set of skills to successfully complete the so-called research cycle that describes the sequence of activities involved in the generation of new knowledge. Two crucial skills are the ability to draw justified conclusions from data using statistics and the ability to report on a study and its outcomes in a well-readable and scientifically accepted format. Statistics are an integral aspect of scientific research, particularly for the life sciences which rely heavily on quantitative methodologies.
Set up of this course:
This course is divided into two parallel parts. On Tuesdays Statistics and on Thursdays academic writing
The first part of this course is set up around a weekly lecture followed by two practical sessions or tutorials. The three main areas of study are descriptive statistics, probability, and statistical inference. The strengths and limitations of statistical models to enable informed thinking are explored. Through context-rich practical exercises which are implemented in the widely used Python programming language for statistical computing and graphics, this course provides students with experience in the application of basic statistical analysis techniques to a variety of biological problems. Topics covered during this part of the course include: probability; reproducible research; data summarization; common distributions; hypothesis tests (and which [not] to use); linear models, regression, generalized linear models.
In the second part of the course, students will learn why academic is important and how academic writing can be a challenging but fun and fulfilling process. They will practice and demonstrate their writing skills through writing a mini narrative literature review and several smaller assignments. Giving and receiving peer feedback will be an important tool for becoming aware of and improving their own writing level.
Relation to other courses:
This course builds on, reinforces and expands statistics/data handling and writing skills integrated in various courses of the first year MBLS curriculum.
Teaching methods & concepts:
In developing skills such as statistical analysis and writing hands-on work by learners is key. Therefore, learning-by-doing is the main method of teaching in this course that revolves around a single weekly lecture accompanied with clips and followed by a tutorial. Individual exercises in statistics with context-rich examples from biological research enables students to develop a keen understanding of the importance of statistics for their own future research.
Student writing skills are also trained in tutorials during which students practice and integrate the various sub-skills needed for academic writing. Peer-to-peer feedback is used to enhance critical thinking and student learning. Students hand in their progress in the online learning environment for formative assessment after every tutorial.
Final assessment (please refer to the course manual):
- Statistics part (50%)
- Hand-in exercise grade (20%)
- Written exam (80%)
- Academic writing part (50%)
- General course work: 20%
- Research report segment: 10%
- Synthesis matrix mini review: 10%
- Complete version mini review: 60%
Werkcollege 2
Verplicht | Weging 100% | ECTS 7,5
Ingangseisen en voorkennis
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VWO Level Math B, VWO Level English, or equivalent
- Engels
Gerelateerde studies
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Verplicht materiaal
Materiaal | Omschrijving |
BOEK | Statistics for the Life Sciences, M.L. Samuels, J.A. Witmer and A.A. Schaffner, 5th Ed. 2015, Pearson Education Limited. |
Aanbevolen materiaal
Er is geen informatie over de aanbevolen literatuur bekend
dr. ir. K. van Ommering | k.vanommering@uu.nl |
dr. L. van Steijn | l.vansteijn@uu.nl |
dr. ir. K. van Ommering | k.vanommering@uu.nl |
Van maandag 16 september 2024 tot en met vrijdag 27 september 2024
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