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Research Seminar Media and Culture
After completion of the course the student has:
- knowledge of the research process of humanities scholars, and of scholars in media and culture studies in particular
After completion of the course the student will be able to:
- search for literature in a critical way, to situate literature within the field of research, and to report on this for a research project that will be independently designed and carried out
- identify research questions and methods in academic literature and critically relate to their findings for a research project that will be independently designed and carried out
- operationalize a research question for a research project that will be independently designed and carried out
- describe and justify a method for a research project that will be independently designed and carried out
- write a research proposal for a research project that will be independently carried out
The course offers the student a systematic overview of the different steps of the research cycle in media and culture studies at an in-depth level.
In the working groups, students work on a research design that will form the starting point for the research conducted in their BA Thesis.
In addition, the students are working on a critical reading report about the field of research in which their BA thesis is situated. Together with the BA Thesis, this Research Seminar forms the final part of the program.
Students are assigned to a working group based on the specialisation package for which they are registered.
Students are strongly advised to follow the research seminar and the BA Thesis in consecutive blocks.
Students are advised not to register for courses that fall (partly) in the same time slots as the time slots in this course.
Aanvullende informatie
During the lectures the different stages of the research process will be discussed (e.g, formulating a research question, definition of a corpus, selecting a method).
Students prepare by carefully reading the assigned texts.
The workgroup meetings function as a research lab, where students use the material discussed in the lectures as a starting point to design their own individual research proposal for their BA thesis.
Student are expected to give peer feedback on work in progress of their fellow students.
Students continue to work on their research proposal by completing assignments at home.
Verplicht | Weging 60% | Minimum cijfer 5,5 | ECTS 4,5
The main assignment is setting up a research proposal. This proposal will be evaluated on the basis of range and scope of the main research question, development of subquestions, selection and evaluation of the theoretical framework, description of the research method (selection of material and method of analysis).
Verplicht | Weging 40% | ECTS 3
Academic skills: searching for literature, knowledge and insight with regards to the material discussed during the lectures, critical reflection on the research process.
Ingangseisen en voorkennis
Je moet minimaal 22,5 punten voor categorie 3 (Bachelor Gevorderd) hebben behaald
The student needs to be advanced in the specialisation package within the study program. At least three of the four courses of the specialisation must have been passed.
- Engels
Er is geen tentamenrooster beschikbaar voor deze cursus
Verplicht materiaal
Er is geen informatie over de verplichte literatuur bekend
Aanbevolen materiaal
Er is geen informatie over de aanbevolen literatuur bekend
It’s not possible to register for this course during late enrolment
D.C. Zijp MA | D.C.Zijp@uu.nl |
Van dinsdag 30 mei 2023 tot en met vrijdag 23 juni 2023
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