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Reading Between the Lines: Analytical Tools to Understand Hispanic Literature
- This course will introduce students to different approaches to narrative through a selection of representative literary works of the Hispanic world.
- Students will enhance their analytical skills by applying various methodological approaches used in literary and cultural studies.
- Students will learn to distinguish and recognize different modes of writing, literary periods and currents.
- Students will learn basic research skills such as creating bibliographies and managing sources by applying relevant search techniques and formats (MLA).
The lectures will introduce students to major approaches and theories of narrative fiction and provide them with basic tools to interpret different components of fiction.
In the seminars, students will use theoretical concepts to analyze a selection of representative literary works.
This course provides a general overview of literary and narrative theory and its uses for students of Spanish Language and Culture. The lectures offer a broad introduction to the most important text-oriented and context-oriented approaches to literature and to some key literary movements in contemporary Spanish and Spanish-American literature. The lectures also provide students basic tools to analyze different components of narrative (written and filmic) texts (e.g. plot, genre, character, point of view, narrative voice). In the seminars, students increase their understanding of Hispanic culture by analyzing and interpreting a selection of representative narrative works from different perspectives.
Students are expected to actively participate in group work. In the groups, students engage critically with the materials presented on the reading list and during the lectures. They are expected to develop a good insight into the materials, and to develop their own perception of these.
Students read the literary texts, articles, and other materials, and watch the relevant background film or documentary fragments mentioned in the reading list. Students must read and prepare the material thoroughly beforehand and be prepared to actively engage in the class discussion. Students are required to complete all assignments.
Verplicht | Weging 60% | ECTS 4,5
Schriftelijk tentamen 1
Verplicht | Weging 40% | Minimum cijfer 5,5 | ECTS 3
Ingangseisen en voorkennis
Er is geen informatie over verplichte ingangseisen bekend.
Open to all interested students; the course has no specific prerequisites.
- Engels
Gerelateerde studies
- - Verbondenheid van ideeën
Inter cultural
- - Culturele/nationale identiteit
- - Conceptueel denken
- - Maatschappelijke relevantie
Type | Datum | Tijd | Locatie |
Schriftelijk tentamen 1 | woensdag 25 oktober 2023 | 11:00 - 13:00 |
Verplicht materiaal
Materiaal | Omschrijving |
BOEK | De materialen zullen tijdig bekend gemaakt worden aan de studenten via Blackboard. |
Aanbevolen materiaal
Er is geen informatie over de aanbevolen literatuur bekend
This course is equivalent to SP1V17002 Introduction to Hispanic Literature.
dr. M.L. Garcia-Manso | M.L.Garcia-Manso@uu.nl |
dr. M.L. Garcia-Manso | M.L.Garcia-Manso@uu.nl |
Van dinsdag 30 mei 2023 tot en met vrijdag 23 juni 2023
Van maandag 21 augustus 2023 tot en met dinsdag 22 augustus 2023
Inschrijving niet geopend
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