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Formal Logic (2024/2025: periode 1)
- Demonstrate knowledge of the key terms and concepts of logic, including propositional logic and first-order logic.
- Demonstrate understanding of the difference between different logical languages and their expressive power (complexity), and the role soundness and completeness play.
- Apply formal logical analysis to complex aspects of language and argumentation.
- Practice natural deduction proofs.
- Demonstrate understanding of the conceptual underpinnings logical systems and their applications in various fields,
Relation to assessments:
Participation (10%) goals 1-4
Presentation (10%) goal 5
Two written exams (40% each) goals 1-4.
In this course, logic will be presented as a key element in the general study of reasoning, information flow and communication: topics with a wide theoretical and practical reach. The course starts with introductions to three important systems of reasoning: propositional logic, syllogistics, and predicate logic. Together, these describe situations consisting of objects with a great variety of structure, and in doing so, they cover many basic patterns that are used from natural language to the depths of mathematics. Next, we move on to the newer challenges on a general agenda of studying information flow. The first is agents having information and interacting through questions, answers, and other forms of communication. This social aspect is crucial if you think about how we use language, or how we behave in scientific investigation. We will model observation and reasoning in a multi-agent setting, introducing the logic of knowledge, and the use of games as a model of interaction.
The overarching goal of this course is to show the multiple facets of modern logic and its applications at the cross-roads of exact sciences, humanities and social sciences. Various logics are used to analyze knowledge and belief, justification and evidence, obligation and permission, necessity and possibility, time and temporality, action and causation, and much more. These phenomena play a central role in our understanding of how language, mind, information and even the world work, and as such are essential in many areas, including, but not limited to, linguistics, philosophy, law, cognitive science, and computation.
the class will primarily consist of two types of sessions, those led primarily by the instructor (to cover new content) and labs led by the students (to practice and work on homework assignments), as well as student presentations in the final weeks of the class.
Verplicht | Weging 10% | ECTS 0,75
Wrtten exam A
Verplicht | Weging 40% | ECTS 3
Wrtten exam B
Verplicht | Weging 40% | ECTS 3
Verplicht | Weging 10% | ECTS 0,75
*midterm FEEDBACK*
Niet verplicht
Ingangseisen en voorkennis
Er is geen informatie over verplichte ingangseisen bekend.
At least 1 level 1 HUM course, or level 1 in Law or Political Science, or level 1 Mathematics.
- Engels
Gerelateerde studies
Er is geen tentamenrooster beschikbaar voor deze cursus
Verplicht materiaal
BOEKOpen Logic Textbook (open access, edited by an international team of logicians; https://openlogicproject.org/)
BOEKJohan van Benthem, Hans van Ditmarsch, Jan van Eijck, Jan Jaspars “Logic in Action” (open access; https://www.logicinaction.org/)
BOEKAdam Björndahl “An introduction to classical and modal logics: The outlines of knowledge”
Aanbevolen materiaal
Er is geen informatie over de aanbevolen literatuur bekend
Counts towards SCC or HUM methodology.
dr. N. Korotkova | n.korotkova@uu.nl |
dr. N. Korotkova | n.korotkova@uu.nl |
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