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French Language and Culture I (2023/2024: periode 3)
- critically analyse French cultural specificity, with special emphasis on sociological approaches
- identify and critically examine key themes in French culture and recent social, political, artistic and economic history, through the in-depth study of cultural analyses and documents
- express themselves in French - in writing and speaking - as well as to craft clear, well-structured discourse in relatively uncomplicated French.
- Exit level is Intermediate High, IH, as defined in the ACTFL Guidelines.
In-class work:
This involves grammar and vocabulary exercises/tests as well as close reading and preparation of required assignments in the cultural sphere. This also involves active class participation as well as a short presentation on a chosen topic. Peer, self-evaluation and comprehensive teacher feedback are all effective means of evaluating and facilitating progress in student writing. To that end, student papers may be duplicated, circulated anonymously, and analyzed in class on a regular basis.The documents studied in class include accessible readings from various textbooks, a comic book, and more challenging texts and documents excerpted from ethnographies, life stories, novels, films, essays, advertising material, and the mass media. All documents will be provided in target language but an English version will also be offered for the most complex ones.
Outside-class work:
This includes a paper and a take-home final examination. Outside class work must be done individually and without collaboration, unless indicated otherwise.
Academic Attitude
Verplicht | Weging 5% | ECTS 0,38
Verplicht | Weging 10% | ECTS 0,75
*midterm FEEDBACK*
Niet verplicht
Oral Presentation II
Verplicht | Weging 10% | ECTS 0,75
Oral Proficiency
Verplicht | Weging 15% | ECTS 1,13
Grammar and Vocabulary
Verplicht | Weging 40% | ECTS 3
Oral Presentation I
Verplicht | Weging 10% | ECTS 0,75
Culture Exam
Verplicht | Weging 10% | ECTS 0,75
Ingangseisen en voorkennis
Er is geen informatie over verplichte ingangseisen bekend.
There is no test for French at the Language Testing Day, and no course admittance is required. Students who have had 2-4 years of French in high school can enter French Language and Culture I. Speaking and writing entrance level: Intermediate Low (IL). Unsure of your level? Please contact the Course coordinator.
- Engels
Internationale en interculturele oriëntatie
Gerelateerde studies
Er is geen tentamenrooster beschikbaar voor deze cursus
Verplicht materiaal
BOEKGrammaire progressive du français, niveau intermédiaire, nouvelle édition, Intertaal/ CLE International (ISBN 90 5451 4206, code 39250)
BOEKGrammaire progressive du français, niveau intermédiaire, corrigés, nouvelle édition. Intertaal/CLE International (ISBN 90 5451 4213, code 39251)
Aanbevolen materiaal
Er is geen informatie over de aanbevolen literatuur bekend
Counts as L&C requirement.
dr. M.R. Kremers-Ammouche | M.R.Kremers@uu.nl |
dr. M.R. Kremers-Ammouche | M.R.Kremers@uu.nl |
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