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Quantifying Earth’s Boundaries in the Anthropocene
- (After the five four weeks) demonstrate knowledge on ‘Planetary boundary’ framework, its application in the scientific community and key points of critique.
- (After the first five weeks of the course) develop a systems overview by categorizing relevant system components and studying system response to perturbations of theoretical systems in the context of planetary boundaries.
- conduct guided group research in the context of a single planetary boundary.
- present research findings in conference-style poster and research report formats.
- critically reflect on the planetary boundary concept and identify strengths and weaknesses of the concepts in terms of applicability to guide human development in the Anthropocene.
Description of assignment | Assesses which learning goals? |
1, 2 3, 4 3, 4 3, 4 5 |
This course aims to introduce students from the UCU tracks Earth and Environment and Sustainability to the concept of planetary boundaries and provide analytical approaches to analyse Earth system processes for their stability and resilience. The course specifically focuses on the planetary boundaries ‘Biogeochemical flows’, ‘Biosphere integrity’, ‘Land system change’ and ‘Climate change’.
The course consist of three stages that complement each other. In stage 1 students are introduced to the planetary boundaries concept, study the underlying Earth system dynamics, and critically di. In stage 2 students conduct a group project where they explore in more depth one of the planetary boundaries and apply knowledge from prerequisite courses. In stage 3 all groups reconvene to communicate their findings to each other and integrate the knowledge gained during their project.
The course combines traditional forms of teaching with a group-based research project:
- Lectures to support lecture notes based on recent scientific literature and the book "Thinking in Systems: A Primer" by Donella H. Meadows (2009);
- Computer labs to analyze stability in selected Earth system processes;
- Guided group research on focused on a single planetary boundary;
- Conference-style poster presentation;
- Writing of a personal reflection paper.
Research process (individual)
Verplicht | Weging 10% | ECTS 0,75
Assignment 1&2 (individual)
Verplicht | Weging 25% | ECTS 1,88
Reflection paper (individual)
Verplicht | Weging 15% | ECTS 1,13
Research poster presentation (group)
Verplicht | Weging 10% | ECTS 0,75
*midterm FEEDBACK*
Niet verplicht
Research report (group)
Verplicht | Weging 40% | ECTS 3
Ingangseisen en voorkennis
Er moet voldaan zijn aan minimaal één van de cursussen:
- [UCSCIEAR21] Ecosystem Change in the Anthropocene
- [UCSCIEAR22] Atmosphere and Climate
- [UCSCIEAR23] Earth System Processes and Geology
Of er moet voldaan zijn aan de cursussen:
Er is geen informatie over benodigde voorkennis bekend.
- Engels
Academisch schrijven
Kritisch lezen
Gerelateerde studies
Er is geen tentamenrooster beschikbaar voor deze cursus
Verplicht materiaal
Materiaal | Omschrijving |
BOEK | Thinking in Systems: A Primer by Donella H. Meadows (2009), ISBN/EAN: 9781603580557 Available on studystore.nl for € 18,59 |
Aanbevolen materiaal
Er is geen informatie over de aanbevolen literatuur bekend
dr. H.J. de Boer | H.J.deBoer@uu.nl |
dr. A. Staal | a.staal@uu.nl |
dr. H.J. de Boer | H.J.deBoer@uu.nl |
dr. E. Weinans | E.Weinans@uu.nl |
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