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Globalization and Regional Development (2023/2024: periode 1)
- Systematically reflect on and conceptualize diverse effects of globalization processes for specific places (countries, regions, urban and rural spaces) and for people living in those places.
- Evaluate major manifestations of globalization and development processes in media representations.
- Compare theories and concepts about globalization and development and compose and discuss personal informed opinions about them.
- Acquire good communication and writing skills by attentively participating in class and contributing to debates, and writing essays and a final research report.
- Gain experience with doing empirical research on the effects of processes of globalization.
In this course, the final course grade is based on:
- Two media analyses: The course is divided into three themes: I – Globalization as a phenomenon; II – Globalization as a problem; and III – Globalization as a solution. In relation to these themes, two or three debate classes will be scheduled, and you will reflect on the debate outcome. You show your reflection by evaluating media representations of the issue (learning objectives 1&2).
- Student-led mini-lectures: You form a team of 2-4 students (depending on a number of enrolled students) to perform two lectures in the semester on your assigned literature for the class. In preparation and presentation of literature, you compare theories and concepts and generate discussions (learning objectives 3&4).
- Mid-term examination: This tests your knowledge of major theories, concepts and debates introduced in the course and your ability to apply the knowledge to actual case(s) (learning objectives 1&3).
- Field research paper: This tests your ability to systematically reflect on what you have learned during the course and create your own study about globalization issues of your particular interest (learning objective 1, 4 & 5).
- Active participation: You will participate attentively in classes and debates to show that you can contribute to each other’s learning (learning objective 4).
The course comprises the following elements:
- Student-led mini-lectures: students present and discuss the work of key example: Appadurai, Harvey, Sassen, Sparke, etc.
- Lectures: the lecturer presents current, important thematic topics related to the effects, workings, implications, and counter-forces of globalization processes in the (intersecting) economic, political, social and cultural spheres.
- Debates: particular topics on globalization and regional development will be presented and the class will debate about the topics to deepen the learning process.
Media analyses: the students are required to write a review of films, media outlets, music that represents particular globalization issues as instructed by the lecturer.
- Mid-term exam: Written exam to test understanding of key concepts and materials in the middle of the course.
- Fieldwork-based research projects conducted in their everyday places in The Netherlands. The groups will present their proposals and findings in class. This is also meant to be an exercise for thesis projects in Human Geography and the related disciplines. Students are required to write the co-authored final paper based on the literature review and field research, contextualizing their research questions and findings in the concepts and academic debates discussed in the entire course.
Media analysis 1
Verplicht | Weging 10% | ECTS 0,75
Media analysis 2
Verplicht | Weging 10% | ECTS 0,75
Student-led mini-lecture
Verplicht | Weging 20% | ECTS 1,5
Final research paper
Verplicht | Weging 40% | ECTS 3
*midterm FEEDBACK*
Niet verplicht
Mid-term examination
Verplicht | Weging 20% | ECTS 1,5
Ingangseisen en voorkennis
Er moet voldaan zijn aan minimaal één van de cursussen:
- [UCINTCHI23] Encountering China
- [UCSSCANT25] Anthropology of Conservation & Global Environmentalisms
- [UCSSCGEO21] Urban Geography
- [UCSSCGEO22] Development Studies: Varieties of Development
Er is geen informatie over benodigde voorkennis bekend.
- Engels
Academisch schrijven
Debatteren / discoursanalyse
Kritisch lezen
Gerelateerde studies
Er is geen tentamenrooster beschikbaar voor deze cursus
Verplicht materiaal
BOEKSteger, MB (2020) Globalization: A Very Short Introduction. 5th edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Aanbevolen materiaal
Er is geen informatie over de aanbevolen literatuur bekend
dr. ir. J. Liebrand | J.Liebrand@uu.nl |
dr. ir. J. Liebrand | J.Liebrand@uu.nl |
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