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Microscopy and Image Analysis (2025/2026: periode 2)
At the end of this course you will:
- know the basic physical principles underlying light and electron microscopy
- understand the workings of modern light and electron microscopes
- have hands-on experience with acquiring fixed and live imaging on an upright microscope
- understand the principles of specialized light microscopy techniques, such as confocal microscopy, TIRF microscopy, Super-resolution microscopy
- know how to choose between different microscopy approaches and labeling strategies
- have experience with analyzing, quantifying and representing microscopy data
- have experience generating paper figures using vector based software
Skills | Part of the course? | Explicitely examined? |
Writing | V | V |
Presenting | V | V |
Data handling | V | V |
Practical research skills | V | |
General research skills | V | V |
Co-operation | V | V |
Critical thinking | V | V |
Career orientation | V | |
Interdisciplinarity |
The level 2 course B-B2MGOT14 or comparable knowledge is a prerequisite. The course De Cel (B-B2CEL09) is recommended. As of 22-23 the B-B3MIA22 course replaces the B-B3LEM18 course for the biology bachelor. It is not possible to follow both. MBLS students are not allowed to follow this course and can follow MBLS-305 instead.
Study path
This course fits within the study path Cell Biology, Developmental Biology and Neurobiology. It provides a good preparation for masters such as the Master program Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences or Cancer Stem cells and Developmental Biology.
This course is partially English taught (depending on the teacher). All course material and exam is English
The aim of this course is to provide the students with a deep understanding of modern microscopy techniques in biology, with an emphasis on fluorescent microscopy techniques and the applications to cell biology.
The course will consist of lectures (HC) covering the theory accompanied by tutorials (WC) as well practicals where the students will have the opportunity to get hands-on experience with fluorescent microscopes. This first part will be part of the exam in week 5 of the course. Afterwards we will dive deeper into advanced microscopy techniques, which students will present in groups to each other. And finally, the students will be taught how to analyze, quantify and represent microscopy images; as well as how to assemble paper figures using vector based software.
Work formats
Hoorcolleges, werkcolleges, practica, presentatie, zelfstudie, schrijfopdracht.
Grading & assessment
To pass this course, a minimum of 5,5 is mandatory. Your grade is calculated by the following components:
- Exam: 50%
- Presentation: 20%
- Image analysis report/workshop: 30%
Study material
- Murphy and Davidson, Fundamental of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging.
- Manual practicals
- Manual image analysis
- Lecture slides
Verplicht | Weging 100% | ECTS 7,5
Ingangseisen en voorkennis
Je moet inschreven staan voor een van de volgende opleidingen:
- Biologie
- Scheikunde
The level 2 course B-B2MGOT14 or comparable knowledge is a prerequisite. The course De Cel (B-B2CEL09) is recommended. As of 22-23 the B-B3MIA22 course replaces the B-B3LEM18 course for the biology bachelor. It is not possible to follow both.
- Engels
Gerelateerde studies
Er is geen tentamenrooster beschikbaar voor deze cursus
Verplicht materiaal
BOEKMurphy and Davidson, Fundamental of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging. Online available through the UU library http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/book/10.1002/9781118382905
DICTAAT─ Manual practicals ─ Manual image analysis ─ Lecture slides
Aanbevolen materiaal
Er is geen informatie over de aanbevolen literatuur bekend
dr. M. Harterink | M.Harterink@uu.nl |
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