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Small project Game and Media Technology
In each case, the project is concluded with an end presentation and a written report, which typically contains the following sections:
0 Preface.
Explain that this report is the result of a GMT Small Project, where you perform the project, in which project, and who your collaborators and supervisors are.
1 Introduction.
Describe the context of the project, the motivation, and the general objective.
2 Approach
What was done to achieve the objectives that were defined in the Introduction.
3 Implementation
Provide details about the implemented program, game, experiment, etc. Consider providing a class structure with the main organization of the functionality you implemented.
4 Results
Describe the resulting product, game, data collected, etc. Describe how it meets the objectives defined in the Introduction.
5 Reflection
Describe what you have learned from the small project.
6 Concluding Remarks
Wrap up the report. Summarize how you objectives are met, or how the research question is answered. What is left to do to even better meet the objectives? How can the results be used, extended, or generalized?
There is no minimum or maximum to the number of words of pages. A common length is 10 to 20 pages.
In order to be allowed to do a re-take, the original grade must be at least a 4.
The assessment criteria are:
- quality of the presentation (weight 0,1)
- quality of the report (weight 0,3)
- quality of the results (weight 0,3)
- way of working (0,3)
This course is only available for GMTE students.
Its size is 15 EC and it is generally taken at the beginning of your second year. It may be taken at another time if that logistically fits your program better, but not earlier than the third period of your first year.
The small project is done during one period full-time, or during two consecutive periods half-time. If the supervisor permits, a project may also be done in the summertime (between periods four and one).
The project can be taken internally or externally with one of our industrial or research partners.
Course form
The form of the small project is one of the following.
- A HKU small project at the University of Arts Utrecht.
- An internship in a company.
- An experiment to answer a research question related to a running (PhD) research project.
1. A HKU small project.
The project takes place at HKU (Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht / University of Arts Utrecht). The small project is a team project. One or two GMT students collaborate with a number of HKU students. The task is to design and develop a game for an external customer.
The HKU small project runs from September till February (1st and 2nd quarter of the academic year), and from February till July (3rd and 4th quarter). If you want to do a HKU small project, contact Remco Veltkamp, who will contact HKU and perform the grading, in consultation with the HKU supervisors.
2. An internship in a company.
The project takes place at a company, to be found be the student. The company must provide supervision. To avoid conflict of interest, the company cannot be owned or founded by the student. It is an individual project. The project can start any quarter, generally taken at the beginning of your second year. If you want to do an internship, please contact Remco Veltkamp, who will do the grading, in consultation with the company internal supervisor.
3. An experiment to answer a research question related to a running (PhD) research project.
The project takes place at UU, with a researcher, to be found be the student themselves. It is an individual project. The task is to perform an experiment to answer a specified research question.
The project can start any quarter, generally taken at the beginning of your second year. If you want to do such a small project, you must find a supervisor yourself who performs the supervision and grading.
However, the supervision capacity in the department is limited.
There is no fixed literature for this project.
Verplicht | Weging 100% | ECTS 15
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- Engels
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prof. dr. R.C. Veltkamp | R.C.Veltkamp@uu.nl |
prof. dr. R.C. Veltkamp | R.C.Veltkamp@uu.nl |
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