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Genomes, Cells & Tissues (2023/2024: periode 3)
- To be able to explain the molecular properties, concentration gradients, protein-protein interactions and transport systems at the molecular and cellular level.
- To be able to name the function and complexity of protein interactions and signaling pathways within systems biology.
- Describe different molecular mechanisms of cell communication and intracellular transport.
- To be able to describe (the importance of) different control mechanisms in the cell cycle.
- To be able to name different molecular mechanisms of cancer development and cancer treatment.
- To be able to name the role of stem cells in tissue production and to be able to describe current developments in stem cell engineering.
- To be able to present the main finding from a Cell paper on one of the above topics.
In the first part of this course the central dogma of molecular biology will be discussed. DNA replication, transcription, translation and its regulation. Using bioinformatics you will learn how complex the genome and the regulation of gene expression is. In the second part cell function will be discussed, such as protein sorting, membrane transport, signaling pathways and the cell cycle. In part 2 we also discuss the cooperation of cells in tissues. For example, we will discuss apoptosis, cell-cell contacts and tissue renewal by stem cells. Attention will also be paid to situations in which these processes no longer function properly, such as in cancer.
Set up of this course:
The student independently reads the book chapter by chapter. After each chapter, a sequence of e-assessments, lectures, assignments and response lectures is followed. Starting after a short e-assessment the teacher, a specialist in his field, discusses the information of the chapter in a seminar. To get a deeper understanding of the content in the chapter the students will make assignments in small groups of 4-5 students. Hereafter the teacher will be available to discuss the answers to the assignments and to clarify any misconceptions in a response lecture. The current use of the knowledge from the textbook is exemplified during a journal club, where groups of students present a Cell paper. The topic of the papers is current literature on cancer research.
Part-1: chapters 4-7 and 12 from Molecular Biology of the Cell by Alberts.
Part-2: chapters 13, 15, 17-20 and 22 from Molecular Biology of the Cell by Alberts
Acquired skills:
- Independently process large amounts of information from a book such as “Molecular Biology of the Cell” by Alberts.
- Collaborate with students from another discipline to solve practical assignments using theoretical knowledge.
- Provide constructive feedback to fellow students.
- Analyze a primary article and present it to fellow students.
- Devise critical questions for an article and discuss them.
Relation to other courses:
This course extends on the knowledge acquired in the foundation course MBLS-101 ‘Cell Biology’. This course provides you with advanced knowledge in Molecular Cell Biology and connects well with all mandatory and elective courses within this field. Students that follow the profiles “Genes to Organisms” and “Molecules and Cells” are strongly advised to follow this course.
Entry requirements:
Successful completion of MBLS-101 (Cell Biology) or an equivalent level 1 course in Molecular Cell Biology. Recommended MBLS-202 (Molecular Biology & Biochemical Techniques)
Teaching format course (estimation):
Lectures 20%
Tutorials / group assignments 20%
Tutorial discussions 20%
Presentation (Journal club) 10%
Self study & E-assignments 30%
Grading (see course manual for details):
test/exam part 1 (42.5%
test/exam part 2 (42.5%)
E-assignments (5%)
Presentation (Journal club) (10%)
For each of the exams a 5.0 is the minimal grade to pass and attendance during the tutorials and journal clubs is mandatory.
Werkcollege 1
Verplicht | Weging 100% | ECTS 7,5
Ingangseisen en voorkennis
Je moet inschreven staan voor de volgende opleiding:
- Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences
- Engels
Er is geen tentamenrooster beschikbaar voor deze cursus
Verplicht materiaal
BOEKMolecular Biology of the Cell, Bruce Alberts, 6th edition, 2014, Norton & CompanyISBN: 9780815344643
Aanbevolen materiaal
Er is geen informatie over de aanbevolen literatuur bekend
dr. R.L.P. Habets | R.L.P.Habets@uu.nl |
Van maandag 30 oktober 2023 tot en met vrijdag 24 november 2023
Van maandag 22 januari 2024 tot en met dinsdag 23 januari 2024
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