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Physics of the Cell (2024/2025: periode 4)
1) make quantitative statements about cellular processes
2) understand how discrete-state descriptions are connected to statistical mechanics
3) describe how forces affect molecules and their functions
4) classify different biological dynamics
5) know how chemo-mechanical coupling is fundamental for molecular and cellular dynamics
6) understand the concept of biophysical experimental setups
7) build computational models and solve them analytically or numerically
- Physical models in cell biology
- Entropy and the Boltzman distribution
- Two-state systems and cooperative binding
- Random walks and the structure of macromolecules
- Mechanics of molecules and cellular structures
- Different modes of biological dynamics
- Polymerization dynamics
- Dynamics of molecular motors
Relation to research and professional field: Concepts and models from physics can help to understand the behaviour of molecules within cells. While most of the building blocks of living cells are well-known thanks to biochemical techniques, understanding how these molecules can establish long-range order and function far away from equilibrium often requires physical models. This course will enrich the student’s understanding of cell biology by teaching how the dynamics of cellular systems at different time and length scales emerges from.
Set up of the course:
The content is taught in two lectures per week. Assignments and/or computer practicals are discussed in one tutorial per week.
Relation to other courses:
This course builds upon the first-year course Biological Physics and has similar aims. Where the first year focused on very general principles, this course covers a number of more detailed topics.
This course is part of the profile Biophysics & Modeling and prepares you for level 3 courses linked to this profile and research groups linked to the master programme’s MCLS and Experimental Physics.
Teaching format course (estimation):
Lectures = 40%
Tutorials = 20%
Assignment = 20%
Self study = 20%
Grading (see course manual for details):
Exam 1 (40%)
Exam 2 (40%)
Individual assignment(s) (20%)
Verplicht | Weging 100% | ECTS 7,5
Ingangseisen en voorkennis
Er is geen informatie over verplichte ingangseisen bekend.
Entry requirements: Successful completion of MBLS-101, MBLS-104, MBLS-106, MBLS-201. Preferably MBLS-108 (Prep4Physics).
- Engels
Gerelateerde studies
Er is geen tentamenrooster beschikbaar voor deze cursus
Verplicht materiaal
Er is geen informatie over de verplichte literatuur bekend
Aanbevolen materiaal
BOEKPhysical Biology of the Cell, Rob Philips, 2nd editionISBN: 9780815344506
HANDOUTSAdditional material from the teachers
dr. F.M. Berger | f.m.berger@uu.nl |
dr. F.M. Berger | f.m.berger@uu.nl |
prof. dr. B.M. Mulder | b.m.mulder@uu.nl |
Van maandag 27 januari 2025 tot en met vrijdag 7 februari 2025
Van maandag 31 maart 2025 tot en met dinsdag 1 april 2025
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